Owner Alert

Owner Alert Service for San Diego County Homeowners – FREE to sign up

Owner Alert Service – FREE for San Diego County Homeowners

Thanks to the San Diego County Assessors Office, there’s a new measure you can take to protect yourself from fraud.

Why Do I Need Owner Alert?

Companies and individuals can record documents that link to either you, your trust, or your property. This can be a lien, a forged grant deed, or a number of other records. Unless you know to look for it, you won’t know it’s there. Some people are shocked when they discover a lien on their property, or a false claim of ownership.

Luckily, there is a way to alert you when anything is recorded in your name or property. The San Diego County Assessor’s Office free anti-fraud “Owner Alert” service can help.

How Does It Work?

You can connect your email address to your property, like a subscription. After this, if someone records any documents linked to you or your property, you will be notified immediately. Signing up for this service is easy – you just need an email address and your property’s Assessor Parcel Number (APN).

You can also register your name, and/or the name of your trust – up to 10 different names and/or 10 APNs per registered email address.

Click here to sign up for Owner Alert

Owner Alert

After you sign up, they’ll send you an email to activate your account. After you click on the link they send you, you’re all set!

If you want a property summary report or copy of your tax bill, you don’t need to pay for a service. Let me know and I can help.

More Property Tax Information

You can also read my property tax articles:

Property Tax Calculation for San Diego Real Estate – Tips for Homeowners
Avoiding Property Tax Reassessment – Property Tax Relief for Seniors and Disabled Home Buyers
Proposition 19 – Property Tax Reassessment Exemption
Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption – How to Apply
Property Tax Postponement Program for California Homeowners

As always, contact me with any questions.