San Diego County homeowners – here’s a new way to keep track of your property tax bills. The San Diego County Assessor’s Office has set up an e-billing notification system. Homeowners can sign up to receive electronic bills, with a link to pay online.
I have paid my property tax online before – so what’s new?
In the past, we have been able to pay our property tax bills online, but until now, we have only received a paper bill in the mail. I have had clients who don’t receive a bill in the mail, forget to check their bills online, and then get stuck with high late fees. To help avoid this, after I help a client buy a home, I check online regularly for tax bills, to make sure they pay on time.
My lender pays my property taxes for me, should I still register?
Even if your lender pays your bills out of an impound account, you should know when bills are assessed. Under certain circumstances, you may have a supplemental tax bill, especially within a year of buying your home. Sometimes, lenders pay these supplemental bills. Most often, they don’t. If you aren’t aware of your supplemental tax bill, you may find yourself owing additional late fees, or worse, facing a lien on your property for unpaid taxes.
Register for e-Billing today
Go to the San Diego County Assessor’s Office website to sign up – here’s the link for e-Billing registration. This is what the form looks like. When you fill it out, let me know if you don’t know your parcel number, and I can find it for you.

You can choose to receive email notifications, or also receive SMS notifications in addition to email.
If you have any questions about your property tax bill, you can also check out my comprehensive property tax article.
As always, contact me with any questions.